Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is part of the mission and ministry of the church. The ministry of our pastoral care team is to bring the Eucharist to any parishioner who requests it because he/she is unable to attend Mass. Besides bringing the Eucharist, they bring the message that the homebound person is still considered part of the parish community and that the rest of the community is one with them. Due to the large area covered by the boundaries of our parish and of the tri-parishes, and the total number of parishioners, it is extremely difficult for the priests to visit all the people who are ill or otherwise confined to home on a regular basis. The pastoral care team ministers to assisted living facilities, nursing homes, hospitals, and to the homebound and sick, conducting weekly prayer services, communion services, and in-room visits. In addition, there are homebound parishioners who receive communion and a visit from our pastoral care team ministers. Our parish also offers spiritual direction to those desiring a sacred conversation or to deepen their personal relationship with God. If you or a loved one needs emergency pastoral care or anointing of the sick, please contact the Tri Parish Office at (920) 927-3102.